Monday, May 29, 2006


The seaside town of Miri that I call home...:)

(Picture taken from the AirAsia flight that brought me home after all my years in JB, October 2005)

The Beginning...

A picture only a true AIESECer can truly appreciate....haven't we all been there before? The excitement of being in your first conference? The bond that slowly grows and develops among you and your team members as you discuss your world views? The wonderful feeling of growing confidence inside you as day by day words like "exchange" and "humankind's potential" become more and more familiar? The unshakeable belief that maybe, just maybe, you are making a difference in this world...?
(Picture taken during LLDS UTM 2005, Orchid Valley, Johor)

Saturday, March 04, 2006

World Wonder

Yup, the tower is really THAT "senget" :P.

(The Leaning Tower of Pisa - Picture taken in Pisa, Italy on 2nd July, 2005)


Fragole is Italian for Strawberries...which is clearly what these are :)
Didn't get to eat them, but by the looks of them they're pretty yummy and juicy ya?;)
While in Italy, I became a temporary fan of Strawberry Ice Cream...Fragole Gelati (Strawberry Ice Cream) in Italy tastes heavenly with just the right amount of sweetness and tangy flavour...probably because it's made from really really fresh strawberries, just like these :)...

(Picture taken in an early morning market in Bologna, Italy on 28th June, 2005)

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Portraits : Ah Khoon :)

My sayang...handsome kan? :)

(Picture taken at a Petronas Gas Station in Taman Universiti, August 2005)


An absolutely adorable baby kitten my cousin Sue found at her previous house in Taman U...Unfortunately her housemate refused to keep the kitten (and the rest of the litter) so Sue had to give her away :(...

(Picture taken in Sue's then living room, Taman Universiti, October 2005)

Matryoshka Dolls

A beautiful set of Matryoshka dolls, from the Big Momma Matryoshka
to a baby teeny-tiny one :P
The few days we were in Paris before flying back home, me and Woonie stayed at Jasmine's (a Malaysian expat in Paris working for L'Oreal) apartment (I think the place is around or nearby Latin Quarters),
and everytime we went out we would pass by this window display at a nearby shop...:)

(Picture taken as we were on our way to the Metro station, Paris on 12th July, 2005)

Italian Fashion

A strikingly pink baby-T (with a va-va-voom close-up of a babe to boot:P) Woonie got in Venice (or was it Florence?:P) after her backpack got stolen, and along with it, all her clothes :(
Still, that didn't dampen the spirit of THIS happy wanderer :)...I salute you Woonie! =D

(Picture taken in the Vatican Museum, Rome on 5th July, 2005)

Sunset Colours

A breathtaking piece of Malaysian sky...:)

(Taken outside Thomas' balcony during NLDS 2005 Facis' Pre-meet, Nov 2005)

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Shoe Fetish : 路要一起走


(Picture taken in Orchid Valley during UTM LLDS, September 2005)

Portraits : Ah Ching and Yuk Mee

Two of my 'bestest' friends :) , with a friendship that has spanned more than a decade...
and counting:)

(Picture taken at Ah Ching's house during Chinese New Year )

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Mapsters :P

My three tour guides, JC, Woonie and Kok Hin behind their maps :P It was our free day in Paris before the L'Oreal Brandstorm International Finals, and all of us were raring to go out and discover the gems of this beautiful city called Paris (I'm guessing there is a lot judging by the size of the map:P)
(Picture taken outside Mercure Hotel, Paris on 19th June, 2005)

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Love Notes

The walls of Juliet's house in the charming, fairy tale-like city of Verona (and yes I mean THAT Juliet from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet;) ) was covered with love notes left by those who have visited the place...all sorts of languages, names, countries...all left a little bit of themselves behind...

And who am I to resist? I left a love note of my own to Ah Khoon, who I wished so much could share all the wonders that I have seen and experienced:)...

(Pictures taken in Verona, Italy on 26th June, 2005)

Self-Taken : Me and My Frog Prince

Ok so it's not exactly self-taken, more like timer-taken and my lovely Frog Prince Ah Khoon in my room in Taman Universiti after I came back from Europe...It was wonderful to see him again after being apart for months...Sayang my froggy :)...
(Picture taken in my Taman U room, July 2005)

Eiffel All Lit Up

Lucky us, Eiffel Tower was just a stone's throw away from Mercure Hotel where we were staying in Paris for the Brandstorm Finals:) Every morning when we went out from the hotel we greeted her "Bonjour", and at night when we came back to the hotel she winked "Bonne Nuit"at us :)... This picture was taken on my first night in Paris, and no words can describe that rapturous feeling when you see Eiffel Tower all lit up with sparkly lights for the first time :)...
(Picture taken outside Mercure Hotel, Paris on 18th June, 2005)

Chummy Chums :)

Before we went to Paris for the Brandstorm finals, Woonie and I had a mini grooming session at the L'Oreal Paris store in KLCC where we were taught how to put on make up and had a free eyebrow trim!:) After that we met up with Megat and had lunch at Nando's, where I took this picture of the old chums who have known each other all their uni lives together =D... Suka Megat's selamba & relaxed look :)...

(Picture taken in Nando's, KLCC in May 2005)

Pizza from Italia!

After a whole morning of disappoinments and ke'za dao'-an (we spent the previous night sleeping in some random square in Venice, we took a bus all the way to a camping site far off from Venice's main market to camp there, only to find our tent's strings had broken, and we haven't had a bath in like 2 days :( ) finally me and Woonie decided to give ourselves a treat...our first Authentic Italian Pizza, fresh from the oven for 2euros each, accompanied by cooling Peach Tea :)...Yum.....
(Picture taken outside the Youth Hostel of Venice, Italy on 28th June, 2005)

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Cute :)

"What's this? What's this..?" :)
Yi Ying's cute Jack Skellington handphone pouch...
I have never been a fan of morbid and dark stuff (those things are more up Ngiam's ally yeah?:P), but there is just something about Jack's twisted good-intentions-gone-wrong and brilliant ability to carry a tune in "The Nightmare Before Christmas" that makes him absolutely adorable :)....

(Picture taken in Ong Lai, Taman Universiti before I left for home - 23rd October, 2005)

Portraits : JC

Despite being loud, outrageously funny and wacky sometimes, deep down inside, JC is really just a lady who enjoys a good cup of hot tea ;)....
(Picture taken in the quitessential charming Parisian sidewalk cafe, France - 18th June 2005)

Shoe Fetish : These Sneakers are Made For Walking...

My colourful and flowery sneakers which I got in Korea, and Woonie's brown and olive green sneakers that she got in the US (or was it Australia?:P)....
They walked us over paths, lanes roads, streets etc in Paris, Italy and Barcelona during our backpacking days in Europe :)...
(Photo taken while waiting for the Metro in Milan, Italy - 23rd June 2005)

Gambar Pose 'Cool'

We had to send a team picture to the organizers of the L'Oreal Brandstorm 2005 National Finals to be included in the event's invitation card to externals. We took it really seriously and had a one day "photo shoot" at the gardens near Tasik UTM with Own Chai as our photographer :). When the first few shots didn't work out, I went behind the lenses to try to take a picture which would have that elusive 'coolness' that we wanted to portray in our picture :P And so this picture was born...and it began my love affair with the digicam ;).
(Woonie, Kok Hin and Own Chai in UTM gardens, taken March 2005)

Another Suitcase in Another Hall

Old-fashioned travel bags with stickers from different destinations around the world sit prettily as deco at the registration lobby in InOut Hostel, Barcelona. Nowadays one is more likely to see travellers using backpacks and roller bags instead of these during their travels, but the wonder of discovering a new place, new culture and new friends remains...timeless.

(Picture taken 8th July, 2005 in Barcelona, Spain)